Friday, October 16, 2009

Catching Up

Once again it has been awhile since I have posted something here, but it seems every few years I turn over a new leaf in my life and thus I create a new blog. In the past year I created a new blog called: The iPhone App Blog ( and most recently, in lieu of me graduating from college and my struggle to find a job in the production industry I have created a blog called "PA 2 DP"which will encompass my journey as a Production Assistant (PA) into becoming a Director of Photography (DP).

I realize I don't update this blog much, but I soon will. A majority of things I will post on this blog will more than likely refer to other things I have written on other website/blogs or be technological articles of random interest.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

DailyBurn CEO Challenge - Week 2

So I started the DailyBurn Fitness Challenge a day late, didn't upload a video, O'well, so I guess I am not truly "entered", but it's not stopping me from eating healthier. I have been keeping my portions small, eating frequently and following the food pyramid as closely as possible.

In the past week, I traveled out of town and got a little off track (2 Wendy's Jr. Burgers & a small french fry... & then felt yucky). But I definitely saw a decrease in the amount of food I could consume in a sitting (which shows progress on my end).

So come this Tuesday, it's my weigh-in day. I lost 4lbs the first week, hopefully I'll be down another least.

I haven't been exercising, so that is one issue I am facing now. I need to find a gym...

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Howl's Moving Castle: Progress Report

Face nearly complete:

Still working on Howl's Moving Castle papercraft project. It's taking a whole lot more time than I thought it would. But I know it's going to look awesome! I'll be posting more progress photos in the next few days.

-- Posted From My iPhone

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Sunday, June 21, 2009

I Got a New iPhone 3G S!

Just as the title says, I got on! Really really like it! It is so much better than my previous one, which was the original 2G/ 4GB iPhone. My favirite features so far:

1. Focusing Camera
2. Video Camera
3. Faster CPU

I realize I have not been keeping up with this blog much and I am sorry if you have actually been keeping up with it. As I've said before, I am always on Twitter & I invite you to follow me there:


I have a bunch of great info I would like to write about, but I just don't have a lot of time to do it, hence Twitter - neww about me- little-by-little.

-- Posted From My iPhone

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Chat with a Sales Rep to Recieve 20% Off - FAIL

I was looking for a web hoster ans when I attempted to check their payment plane, I was attacked with a pop-up asking me to login or to register, so I just packed out. Then I was again hit with "are you sure you want to leave? and then was given the opportunity to chat with a "sales assistant" and recieve 20% off any year payment plan. Here's the chat log:

Connecting to Agent...

You have been connected to Amber

Amber Says:Hey Wait! We would hate to see you go without seeing what's made us an Award Winning Host. So just this once we would like to offer you a special 20% discount. To take advantage of this one-time offer just CLICK HERE

Amber Says:When you are ready just say 'Hi' and we can get started....

You:Hi. I mainly want to see the payment plans without having to create an account

Amber Says:It's 20% off your order for ANY hosting plan with 1 or 2 year billing period! CLICK HERE

You:is there a montly pay plan for the Basic package?

Amber Says:Sorry i didn't quite understand your question, can you rephrase it please..?

You:for the Basic plan, is there a monlthy payment plan?

Amber Says:We accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and discover card.

Amber Says:So if you want to sign up with the 20% Discount offer, just CLICK HERE

You:that's not what I am asking

Amber Says:You can only receive this huge discount through me today, if you wish to claim your 20% Discount, simply CLICK HERE.

You:this is an automated "help" chat, no?

Amber Says:Remember this 20% Discount is only available today through this chat... We give you a 30-day money back guarantee too, so if you are not happy with our service for any reason, we will happily give you a full refund.

Amber Says:So this is risk-free hosting, with award winning hosts and for a hugely discounted price! So what have you got to lose? Just CLICK HERE to receive your Discount!

You:seriously? great! But you still haven't answered my question

Amber Says:I will do my very best to assist you with any query you might have.

You:is there a monthly payment plan?

Amber Says:We accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and discover card.

Amber Says:So if you want to sign up with the 20% Discount offer, just CLICK HERE

You:I don't want the DAMN 20% off, just answer the frigging question!

Amber Says:Sorry, what was your question again?

You:You're an idiot

Amber Says:OK, I'm going now. If you change your mind CLICK HERE

To say the least I was just straight-out annoyed. I rank customer service pretty high in business, this wasn't a good choice in my opinion. I am not wasting my time trying to fight thier website. iX Web Hosting - not recommended.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


For those of you that like to be updated on what I am doing in life, I use Twitter all the time. So I encourage you to take a look t my Twitter page:

You might also have noticed that I've put a Twitter feed on the right side of my blog>>>
it diaplays the last 5 posts.

For those of you that don't know what Twitter is, it's like mini-blogging or like updating your Facebook status. I've used it a couple of times to post tech questions and have received advice on how to fix them in less time than I've spent on hold with tech support. I suggest getting an account if you don't already have one. After all, even my mom has one... ( ).

-- Posted From My iPhone

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Film & Direction : Static Camera Project

For my film & video direction class we had to shoot a one-shot, static-camera short video. Here is my project:

I relied heavily on audio for this project so if you have headphones or stereo speakers, you're going to want to use them.

My next project will be a Silent Short Film and it's going to be interesting and one of the most challenging projects that I will have to do this semester, since I love the use of audio and sound effects.