Monday, February 18, 2008

Done! - 2008 ATT Austin Marathon

I finished it! And I beat my previous time by 4 minutes! :) Now I have to find another half-marathon to do. I know of the Bear-a-thon that Baylor University in Waco puts on in March, but so far I have done 2 half-marathons in 1 months, I am not sure I can handle 3 in 2 months. Also the Waco course seems a lot harder than the Austin half. And I had quite a bit of trouble after the 9 mile marker. I'll never look at those hills the same again :P
Completion of the half had to be done within 4 hours. My time was 3:46:28.
My goal was to be done in 3:30:00, and I thought I was going to make it until about mile 9, when all the large hills came into play. I trained for an 18 - minute mile and ended up being ahead (according to the Forerunner 305) by 0.54 of a mile. My average min/mile was 15:34 up till mile 7, then it decresed (incresed?) to 16:44 min/mile. Then it changed again to 18:03 after mile 11.
So my average time was a 17:18 min/mile...I think I'll have to check later for sure. I'll write more detail about yesterday when I have a bit more time.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Mapping & Analyzing My Runs

Along with using I am also using I am having trouble finding a website that will track my info as well as map my runs. But until that time, I am having to use both websites. Actually bimActive will allow me to map my runs, but for a monthly fee, sorry not helpful for me.

So, here is what bimActice Activity profiles look like - I upload the data straight from the forerunner 305, and it parses the info. This was from a run I did earlier today. I also really like how is shows the weather and what no, as the Garmin program doesn't do that. Also the program doesn't have accurate maps either, so this is a bit better. I like the graphs better in the program though as you can rearrange the data and and make the graph larger if need be.
Okay here it is: (2 pictures, since the web page is longer than my screen):

NOTE: On the graph you see it drop way down & on the splits chart you see a really high pace number, this is because I accidentally created another lap & forgot to delete the info before I uploaded it.

(Click on images to enlarge)

And here is a picture of the Garmin program of the same run:
The Map Screen:
(Click on image to enlarge)

The top right pane also has my totals:
(click on picture to enlarge)

And then here is the course screen (I imported the course in from
(Click on Image to Enlarge)

ATT Austin Half-Marathon in 2 DAYS!!!

I didn't get to run yesterday because I went to take a nap, and didn't wake up till this morning. I woke up late and had to run across campus to turn in a resume for an internship and she said to me as I handed it to her, "Every resume I receive after this is late & doesn't count." I thanked her and left. After getting back, my ankle started to hurt so I iced it. Hopefully with a bit of stretching I can do a short run in just a bit.
I've been using to map my runs and then I can export it to my Forerunner 305. Here's a map of the Austin Half that I mapped:

Thursday, February 14, 2008

3 Days Till

3 Days Till the Austin Marathon & Half...
*sigh* it's gonna be cold...for me that is. I don't have any pants to wear. due to the large nature of my hips, I have been unable to find any running pants that fit me. Although, I had a sudden revelation yesterday. This past summer when I went to Alaska, I bought Hot Chillys, so I began to think maybe I could wear the top under my shirt (also long sleeve - DriFit). I tried it today and it worked well, I am only afraid that it may make me too warm as the day continues. I may look like a fool tomorrow, but I am gonna try wearing the pants under my shorts when I run tomorrow... hopefully now one will see me lol

Sunday in Austin is supposed to be in the mid forties to the fiftie, but starting about 7am wind up to 25mph are supposed to start, so maybe I won't be too warm...

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Tuesday, February 12, 2008

1 Week to the Austin Half-Marathon

There is less than 1 week for the half-marathon.
I can't believe I am doing this again... I can't say I love running day-to-day-training for the "Halves," but it's so much fun when you are actually doing it, then the amazing feeling that you just ran further than most of your friends have ever done in 3.5 hours (or whatever the time limit it.) That is if, most of your friends aren't running next to you, then that's altogether another feeling.

People have asked me what my motivation was, especially when I did the Disney half (and a bit of a reflection on it)- I thought back to my years in High School, when I had a coach tell me that, "Instead of playing baseball, I'd be do better in front of the television." He said that after some of my teammates saw me walking laps around the school (I wasn't even close to physically fit.) That's what really kept me going. I knew at the beginning that if I made it to 6 miles I would be content. But after passing the exit gates at Epcot (6 mile marker), I realized I could really do this whole thing. It was one of the hardest thing I have ever (physically) had to do, but so say the least, I am proud of my medal that I got that weekend and will jabber to anyone that asks about it.

At some point in the short future, I will elaborate on that through my mind during that race.

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Saturday, February 9, 2008

How's Your Hearing? - Website of the day

I have heard high pitched sounds that are annoying & I'll turn to my Dad and ask him if he knows what that sound is, he'll turn to me with a question-looked face...he can't hear it.

So I wanted to see what was the highest frequency I could hear. So I strapped on some iPod(r) headphones and went to I wasn't in a completely silent environment (AC & fridge near me). but these were th results:

The teen repellent will no longer foil you, but you can still hear some pretty high tones.

The highest pitched ultrasonic mosquito ringtone that I can hear is 16.7kHz
Find out which ringtones you can hear!

I more loud music for me...16.7KHz crap, that sucks. I thought I could hear 17.7KHz, but I think I was imagining it. So try out your hearing...maybe you won't listen to your music so loud anymore.

On the website, if you have an MP3 enabled phone that you can load ring tones onto, you can use the sounds as your ring tones.

Human sound ranges from 20Hz - 20KHz (20,000Hz) Some people can hear further...
The iPod(r) headphones have a frequency response of 20Hz - 20KHz (20,000Hz)

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Saturday, February 2, 2008

Website Updates

I have made some major updates to my website for this year. One of the major highlights of the website is the Project Page: "Smart" Kitchen Computer. I am keeping a "blog" of how I am creating this PV and what I want it to do. I will eventually post a tutorial on how and what I did.

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Cool Website: Top Secret Recipes

Looks like a pretty cool website. Top Secret Recipes website offers "clones of America's favorite brand-name foods."
Who are they? (taken from their website):

"If you’ve ever tried to make a brand-name clone recipe gathered
elsewhere on the Web, you’ve likely had that sinking feeling that comes
from wasting time and ingredients. That’s because every other site on
the 'Net simply gathers clone recipes indiscriminately (they like to
call 'em "copycat recipes") from various unqualified sources without
any quality-control. Rarely is anyone testing the recipes or
researching the products; and they just pass the garbage off on you. [...]

If you want the best, most trusted clone recipes on the Web since 1996,
you’ve come to the right place. And we’re glad that you can join us."

Most of the recipes cost $0.79 each, but there are some that are free like - Applebee's® Oriental Chicken Salad or KFC® Potato Salad or even Wendy's Chili.

I haven't tried any of the recipes yet, but this website is defiantly marked. Also if you are unsure about a certain recipe there are users that have rated & commented on most of the recipes.

Top Secret Recipes

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