Monday, December 31, 2007


My PC died just after Thanksgiving, but I wasn't sure if it was a goner, but I found out today that the Motherboard is shot and most likely the processor. So now I am going to have to build a PC, as the parts and "innards" are nearly 3&1/2 years old, but the Hard drive is still okay. So I can still use that at least...

I have a G5 Mac, so I am still able to do my video work without a problem, it's just taking time to get used to it. I am working with Final Cut Pro (FCP) & DVD Studio Pro. I am not as familiar with DVD SP, so I am learning as I go, I just authored my first DVD on it yesterday - my sister's wedding DVD.

The main thing I miss though are some of the programs I had on the PC like Autostitch, which is an amazing 2D image stitcher for creating panoramic views (I've been stitching my Alaska views together, click here to see one :D). Click here to see an example. This program is amazing and it portable too (meaning you can run it of a thumb-drive or iPod or whatever [at least I have]). It is also a good program if you have multiple exposures in the group of pictures, it will make the picture look "equal" instead of having multiple color changes. (you generally should have the same exposure on the pictures when you are taking a panorama that you plan on stitching together later, but some don't know how to do it or just don't do it). Unfortunately it does not work on the Mac, although there is another commercial product that uses the same technology called Autopano Pro (download demo here), but it costs money ($145) to remove the watermark from the picture. If you do download the program (Autostitch) (recommended, it's a fairly small file), it says it's a demo, but it's not...really. You can use it's full features, as long as you are not using it for commercial use. I guess this is turning into a review of programs now...

I was still testing Autopano Pro for its work flow and most importantly the way it stitches pictures together, the one thing I did like about the program (so far) is that it has batch panoramic stitching. I have Mac OS X 10.3.9 and currently unable to find 10.4.x, so I cannot test the software on the Mac at this time, but take a look at it & let me know what you think.

A List:
I also miss Jasc Paint Shop Pro (now Corel Paint Shop Pro) & it amazing ability to straighten
photos (it's one thing I can't figure out how to do in Adobe Photoshop
on the Mac).

Alcohol 120% - no Mac version

Nexuiz - a free open-source FPS that is multi-platform (I just don't have a high enough OSX)

DVD Case designing software (can't think of the name)

Adobe Pagemaker - publication designing software - yes, I know it works on the Mac, but I haven't been able to find the discs since I've moved :(

Big Oven - Awesome recipe database - no Mac version

The Text reading software for my scanner - no Mac version...I think

*sign* - this is depressing - I need to go edit a video now...on the Mac...

Dragon Naturally Speaking - voice transcription software (speech to text) - I think there is an upgrade to a Mac version (ViaVoice), but frankly I am not sure I want to pay anything more, I just upgraded the PC version :(

RCA inputs on PC (not a program)

TV Tuner on my PC & GigaPocket - TV turner & recording software.

Sonic Foundry Vegas Video Studio (Older Version...very gets the job done well though) - Video Editing, now called Sony Vegas Pro...figures...

Some other photo, digital scrapbook & DVD authoring programs & utilities that came with my PC

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Saturday, December 8, 2007

XM Radio Receiver vs XM Radio for PC

First a quick discussion about something I came up against.

I have the Pioneer AirWare portable XM receiver (looks like an overly large cell phone).

I thought about upgrading today when I saw the special on for the newer version of the portable reciever by Pioneer the Inno1, much smaller, in color & better antenna...

BUT, it didn't come with a car kit (which is an additional $40 through, which had I known that this morning, I might have bought it; I could only find the kit for $60.) The car kit is the ONLY way to enable the FM modulator, which is what I need since I have a CD player in my car & not a cassette deck. So I found something cheaper (not as convenient, but still cheaper) for less than $43, I found an external clip-on antenna for my AirWare and bought an armband for it as well. (It actually cost less than $30, but I 2nd day air-ed it :P) As I have mentioned before I am running in a half-marathon at the begging of next year, & I'd like to my XM radio along for the ride.

So back to the oginal topic of the PC version vs regular version - with my subscription (or anyones) you pay monthly to receive reception for you radio ($5-$13 or possibly cheaper with promo code). Also you have the ability to use the online player and play the music through their online player. So I am wonder why anyone would pay $65 for the PC kit, when you can buy a portable radio for less (or free) and still use the internet online player for the PC (it's what I do, since I don't get reception from where the only window in my apt. is.) I presume for people that have slow internet connection you might do this, but I'd save the money from the subscription & go with fater internet service & stream free internet radio through WMP or iTunes.

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Friday, December 7, 2007

Gingerbread demolition

At aprox 4:22am this morning the Gingerbread house I made sponaneously collapsed, all that stands is the front & right wall...

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Wednesday, December 5, 2007


I knew it would blow up in my face....basically I really don't want to discuss it sucks...plain & simple...

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Tuesday, December 4, 2007


3 & 1/2 hours's not going to look like the model, put only certain parts of it. The back part on the main building will probably not make it in. For sure it will be the front part of the main building with a few towers :) and I am hoping I will have tome to create the gate-house & walls. :P

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Monday, December 3, 2007

Gingerbread Castle Update

So I somewhat completed the paper castle last not abou 2am here are some pictures detailing what I hope to do.

front angled side. There are actually going to be 4 towers instead of 3 (it was late & I realized what I was doing - notice the building to the left without a roof...) the red rectangles around the little building on the left shows where I am going to extend the building that far. The red-circles are where there are going to be guard towers and the red-lines are going to be walls. Here are a few more pictures from different angles.

from the left-front angle

and from the backside

So that's it for now, until next time...

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Sunday, December 2, 2007

Gengerbread House

Tuesday I have a Christmas party that I am attending and there is a Gingerbread House Contest that I have entered. I didn't want to make a regular 'Ol Gingerbread house, but something "cooler." So why not a castle... I hope I have made the right decision. This started as a simple project, and keeps getting more & more complex, I hope it turns out all right.... My original inspiration came from the this picture:

Which is a stinkin' sweet playhouse... (click on the picture for the web link).

So I was going to do a near replica of this , but not include a back, so that it would show the decorations of the inside, but I didn't want to spend a lot of time on the inside, so then I discovered a picture of the Neuschwanstein Castle in Germany & it won me over:

(Click on the picture to enlarge it, it's pretty big)

Yea I know that is a lot of work, but I am better at construction than at designing figurines, well stick figures I can do, but let's face it, I don't think that would work...

So I sit here, with all of sorts of pictures of this castle taken from all different angles, analyzing it and cutting it down to "model" size, then I found this link to create a paper model of it.

I am going to print this out & build it tonight, then use the measurements I've made and compare them to this paper model and figure up final measurements. I am mainly going for the larger part of the back of the castle & if I succeed at that & I have time, I will continue with the rest of it. If I fail & still have time, then I will go back to my original design of the playhouse idea.

Well here we go...

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Tuesday, November 13, 2007


Today, well yesterday I suppose, makes the 2-month point for me until the WALT DISNEY WORLD® Half Marathon. I am quite nervous right now as I have run into a few problems, but it makes me exceedingly happy to see the map. The run will be quite entertaining, except from marker 8 to marker 11 (3 miles). I did not realize that we would be actually running THROUGH the parks.
Back to me about training, I am having one of my friends help me train, as he has done running all his life, so he if helping me get to where I need. The "Start to Finish Challenge" continues...

Full Size image can be found here

This image can be found here.

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Thursday, October 25, 2007

Sleepy + Bread Machine = No Sleep

I can't sleep & I need sleep. I began using my bread machine today (actually yesterday) thinking I could wake up to fresh bread...nope....the smell has kept me I have been reviewing for my test tomorrow...I hope I do good on it....oh goodNie it's done, time to take a slice of it & go to bed...

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Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Friday, October 12, 2007


Dear Ladies & Gents of The Internet,

I am 1 of 5 Baylor Students that will be making a short video in the next couple of days, With your help our video will be seen and judged by: Fred Armisen, Nora Ephron, Terry George, Mary Harron, James Mangold, Mira Nair, Jim Sheridan, Barry Sonnenfeld, Luis Valdez.

How can you help?

Firstly once we are done, we will want YOU to vote for our video (the top 25 videos will be judged).

Secondly we need ACTORS. If you are in the Waco area and you would like to participate, contact my team members (listed below) or myself.

Thirdly we need original music from artists (like yourself?), so if you are an artist and have made some music let us know. We would like to screen it and possibly use it in our video. So if you want to “get you music out there” so hundreds (possibly thousands) of people as well as these popular judges will hear YOUR MUSIC. We prefer that it be instrumental, but at this time anything would be greatly appreciated.

We Will Be Putting Everything Together By Oct 14th (This Sunday) So We Need To Know Quick If You Would Like To Help Us Out.

Please pass this along to anyone you know that might enjoy in participating with us.

Thanks For Reading!

~Matt Sawyers
Jerry Gonzalez
Andrew Bryan
Nick Detisch
Aj Detisch

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Tuesday, October 2, 2007

The Kingdom

I have finished (the beginning) of my new photo website which can be found here (the photos correlate with my website. To see the other photos go here). It is password protected, so if you would like the password , e-mail me or it will be in my next newsletter, which will be out in about 1&1/2 weeks. (If you aren't on the e-mailing list, let me know & I'll add you to it)

I am crazy excited about this website. It is hosted by Zenfolio, I pay $35.00/year (normally $40, but I had a referral code) for unlimited hosting. If you use my referral number: MKK-EJZ-GXP , you get $5 off your subscription & I also receive $5. Let me know what you think of the site!

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Monday, October 1, 2007


I went home this weekend....took some cool pictures....thinking about posting them here....thinking about changing the theme of my blog...thinking I should be in bed right about now.

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Saturday, September 22, 2007

"The Kingdom" Movie

Yesterday evening I saw an advanced screening of "The Kingdom" which shows in theaters on the 28th of this month (September). It's a good movie. I have trouble enjoying movies because I am constantly analyzing the movie (I guess that's what I get for being a Digital Film & Media major). I would place this into the thriller/drama/action genre, in that order. It was pretty gripping to watch everything that occurred in the movie.

A basic synopsis: 4 FBI agents ( Jamie Foxx, Jennifer Garner, Chris Cooper, Jason Bateman) are sent to Saudi Arabia to investigate a terrorist bombing, upon arriving, they become the next targets for the lead terrorist organization they are after.

We also had a Baylor university professor (Dr. James Kendrick) speak with us on "violence in media" after the movie. He asked the question whether the movie was an anti-war movie or an action movie...I thought...neither. It definitely had action, but the action did not correlate with the conveyed emotion that the film conveyed.

My emotion was: "I don't think I ever want to go to Saudi Arabia." Why? well I guess you'll just have to see the movie to know why.

Great cinematography in the motion picture, this is a movie I definitely will be going to see again.

Overall I think it was a great movie (4/5). My ranking is based it on the emotion it expresses, & how strongly it does it; the acting, and the overall plot.

Thursday, September 20, 2007


I just came across this really cool site recently. It's called Anywhere FM - http://Anywhere.FM
It's you music anywhere you go, which an internet connection that is, and these days, the internet is everywhere.
(To get the gist of this blog, skip down to Resolution)

First my spiel: I was trying to figure out how todo something like this to begin with. My idea was posting my song (up to 1GB) on BearSpace (which is my University's student web server) and then creating a streaming playlist in iTunes and carry the playlist around with me and just load it on any computer running iTunes. The problem came when the computer didn't have iTunes.

Resolution: Anywhere FM
You can upload your WHOLE library to their server. And wherever you are, you just go to the site and enter you login info and there's all your music, It's very easy. When you register it only asks a few questions and then you are ready to go. You can also download an uploader app that uploads your playlists and your songs from iTunes. (or yoou can manually do it from internet window itself.
Works on Mac OS and I presume Windows as well (it auto detects your operating system). It does not upload your iTunes purchases though, bummer (because iTunes has a special alogorithm to decode the purchased songs) you can always get around that, though....

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Cirque Du Soleil: Mindfreak

Having seen Cirque Du Soleil: "Mystere" & "O," U have been a big fan of them for numerous years. I have also seen Criss Angel's stage show (that he did in NY, NY several years ago) on DVD and I felt that it had numerous same qualities as Cirque Du Soleil in an "artsy" sense. So Criss Angel has signed a contract with Cirque Du Soleil at the Luxor, which I think is a dramatic change for Cirque Du Soleil, although, I think it is really cool with a very interesting twist. Finally an awesome magic show with an evolving art form...sweet. Can't wait to see it.!

Check out the press release here.

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Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Magic Fans

Just a quick note. I have performed magic for more than 5 years professionally. I've owned a business. And I know fairly well how to deal with people. Some of my favorite magaicians include Banachek, Derren Brown, and several others.

Many people ask me if I like David Blaine...I can't say I do, but I can't say I don't. Why? Well Mr. Blaine began the reality show very well, but then his stunts took over and that's about all he did, he lost attention because of it

Then, a new face entered the reality show arena: Criss Angel & his show: Mindfreak.
I have been impressed with his work, not just his tricks, but his performance - his showmanship.

In any business you have to be loyal to your customers or in this case - fans. Sometimes when you see him perform he comes across as an odd or in other words "un-real." HIs quite different in person. And recently is starting to show that in his show (which is a smart thing to do).

Like any famous person or band, he has loyal fans. Might I add -LOYAL- some of his fans have tatooed his face on their shoulder...WOW. Sorry I am not that loyal. But I do like his work and he is one that truly appreciates his fans; therefore, I think Criss Angel will be staying on top for quite some time.

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Saturday, September 1, 2007

FireFox Add-ons Re-Review & Update

This is an update on the plug-ins I reviewed earlier. I noticed Firefox slowing down quite a bit, so I got rid of some & kept some. So here's the breakdown:

Fox Marks
It is incredibly nice to have especially since I switch betwenn Mac & PC, I also have the portable version of firefox on my thumbdrive with this plug-in, so when I get on the school's PCs I can "sync" my bookmarks.

I use this every now and then to listen to internet radio, quite convenient without the extra window.


I use this everyday! I have mine show current, tonight's and tomorrow's forecast & the animated radar. This is anothe favorite mine.

Fast Video Download
Doesn't work all the time. Eventually just gave up.

Download Embedded
I kept this on, but I disabled it for the time being. I am not using, but I can see where it could come in handy.

To time consuming and can become confusing, I like the drop down back button or the history in Firefox that's already there...

Split Browser
Widows get too small and it is sometimes are to go back to tabbed view...more of a hassle really. Just disabled it though because I may use it in the future

Tab Catalog
I already have tabs and it's easier to flip through them.

Obviously. It is what I use to write these blogs. Get it if you write blogs anyway. Also you can be typing along and if you pkan to finish it later, you can continue to browse and bring it back up later. I wouldn't close the browser though... hadn't tried it yet.

Don't need it right now, but I will soon. Best one out there in my opinion.

Save Session
I use this a lot especially when I am working on my computer while surfing the net, then all of a sudden I have to restart, so I just click the Save & Exit button and it will pen back everything up the next time I open firefox. Also you have the option to save session by going to the Tools menu & saving session the manually exiting later.

Toolbar Buttons
I have not "real" use for it.

Theme: Night Launch
I had trouble with my Add-ons when I used it.

Toolbar: Stumble Upon

For wilfing....

I also added two others:

The Woot add-on. For Woots... it's a website that has a special everyday called a woot and the add on tells you what the woot is and how much it is. If you click on it, it will open a new tab and take you to the woot.


Download Statusbar
keeps are your downloads in the bottom bar (it isn't there all the time) It's better than having them in a "new window" Ctrl + J make it appear/disappear.

If I were to rank them by use I would say the Top 5 are:

Forecast Fox
2. SaveSession
3. Woot
4. ScribeFire
5. FoxMarks

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Sunday, August 26, 2007

TEAM v. Quixtar

So after my spiel earlier, I know that everyone is either with TEAM, split, or with Quixtar. That's fine, but let me ask one question. Do you think that Alticor (Quixtar's parent company) handled the situation very well with media blog on their site? I mean are they professionals in how they write to their customers? I have done business for several years, and I would never reply to a customer(s) like that. TEAM is composed of about 700,000 people. To "tell off" that many well, just stupid. I can't think of a better reason not to be in business with a group of people that don't know how to respect their distributors/clients/IBOs.

So what am I to do? Goodbye Quixtar/Alticor and manufactures associated with Quixtar. I am appalled by their behavior and I can't imagine myself doing business with these type of people. It's on thing to write professionally about the issue and a completely different thing to say what they did about hundred of thousands of IBOs.

I have one last thing: Nothing will stop my dreaming! I will go where I want to go in life because I can, not because I need Quixtar's/Alticor's/Amway's help.

All in all, I think their blog shows just how scared Quixtar is, TEAM is huge, they says that we have no creditability.
So what suddenly prompted XS to put out a press release, hmm intresting. Did Quixtar believe that we would be taking XS with us? Sound like a bully is amiss somewhere...
Yes XS sales are up, but I bet a majority of the sales was through TEAM....can't imagine how the sales & statistics are going to drop now...

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Thursday, August 16, 2007

Quixtar Makes Themselves Look Like ....

I am completely horrified at what Quixtar calls themselves now!

I have been in Quixtar for about 3 years. I grew up in the "family learning everything about community and business practices. The organization that I was in called TEAM composed of nearly 700,000 people files lawsuit against Quixtar because of a few issues. Chris Brady & Orrin Woodward are the plaintiffs.
Like I said I was yes WAS proud to be in Quixtar, but recently is has made me really doubt THEIR business practices. The way they have handled it in the news. I was completely BLOWN away by their response. I have complete confidence in my up-line and FULLY support them. Here is an article from Quixtar that was sent to me today:

TEAM Leaders Terminated and Enjoined by State Court

Quixtar acts swiftly to protect business for all IBOs.

terminated 15 independent businesses last week as a result of actions
detrimental to the company's North American operations. The businesses
affected were part of the Team training organization plus a few other
training organizations using Team’s training materials and named as
co-plaintiffs in a lawsuit filed against Quixtar. Additionally, a state
court took the extraordinary step of enjoining Team leaders Orrin
Woodward and Chris Brady from using the Quixtar line of sponsorship to
sell or promote competing products such as their training system.
Further, they are prohibited from recruiting Quxtar IBOs to compete
with Quixtar's business and from enagaing in activities injurious to
Quixtar's reputation, and requiring them to return to Quixtar its
proprietary and confidential LOS data.

Quixtar was working with Woodward and Brady to correct issues related
to Team’s teaching of inappropriate business-building tactics, improper
positioning of the opportunity, and use of unauthorized support
materials. These teachings placed themselves, affiliated IBOs, and
Quixtar at serious and immediate risk of legal and regulatory actions
and had to be stopped.

Woodward and Brady refused to work with the company to return Team to
compliance with Quixtar’s rules, stated their intentions of starting a
new company in competition with Quixtar, and filed a lawsuit against
the company seeking relief from their non-compete requirements. The
lawsuit is filled with outrageous claims and statements and will be
defended vigorously by the corporation.

Quixtar is unwilling to put its business and the businesses of hundreds
of thousands of IBO at risk of legal and regulatory action caused by
Woodward and Brady’s practices. Ultimately, their unwillingness to
correct their improper methods and their stated plans to form a
competing business resulted in the termination of their IBO
businesses. Also terminated were co-plaintiffs Billy Florence, Don
Wilson, Randy Haugen, Chuck Goetschel, Tim Marks, Kirk Birtles, James
Martin, Aron Radosa, David Brandy, Benjamin Dickie, Bruce Gilbank,
Michael Martenson, and Chuck Cullen.

Quixtar remains committed to the support of all IBOs and will work with
those who agree to abide by the company’s rules and maintain high
ethical standards. The company is working hard on many exciting
programs that will help IBOs at all levels of the business make more
money through the Quixtar Independent Business Owner Compensation Plan.
The company is making unprecedented investments to improve the business
opportunity, including new investments of more than $60 million in
Quixtar Business Incentives, the launch of new training programs to
help make IBOs more successful, and exciting new product and category

Overall, the company is investing more than $200 million in product
development, brand building, training, and compensation enhancements to
make this business bigger and more successful than ever. Quixtar is
making these investments to benefit all IBOs who build their businesses
in an honest, ethical, and transparent manner and in compliance with
Quixtar’s Rules.

Quixtar will provide updates to IBOs as this situation develops. This
matter also is discussed in the Adatudes blog, where you can find a joint statement
from the company, the North American Founders Council, and the
Independent Business Owners Association International Board of
Directors. News updates are provided at


The main thing I learned from this business was about community and leadership practices along with customer service (servant leadership). The way they have haldled it is completly out of line. I was sent the 60 page litigation before thius took place after reading and reviewing I recognized it as a tough cookie, but went with it. TEAM produced it's own business materials allowing us to grow to the depth we've grown today (700,00 people) . I haven't seen one problem with their teaching. The diamonds in this business that have been "terminated" because of their practices and their teachings, along with their MLM? WHAT MLM!!! There was NOTHING...NOTHING about creating an MLM.

I am horribly outraged at what Quixtar was released for the articles. I have protected this business, defending it from others that have defamed it. Now Quixtar turns around and does just that to 700,000 IBOs! Something wrong with that? Yup I think so. These IBOs aren't going down with a fight. The only reason I got into this business was because what these IBOs stood for and thier practices. I have yet to see them stray from it!

So you may be questioning what they wanted to happen?
Firstly they were asking for the non-solicitation clause to be removed - this would allow us IBO to promote our products to public (not put them in retail stores) but it would allow us to post banners saying we sell them.

Secondly they called Quixtar a pyramid scheme. Yes this is putting it harshly, but here is why: they were asking for Quixtar to be more competitive in the market. In recent days prices have fallen for products you buy elsewhere, at Quixtar they have slightly gone up. If you're an IBO then you know that many (maybe most) of the product lines are better than any other products out there; therefore, we are willing to spend a bit more on the products. So What Chris Brady and Orrin Woodward are stating is - Quixtar is not keeping up with the market which makes it harder for us as IBOs to sell the products at retail cost and make a profit, and the only way to make profit is to build our community ("put people in under us") which is considered an pyramid scheme and in the legal system that's illegal.

Thirdly, they stated that the non-competition clause be removed. This troubled me a bit at first, but upon reviewing it more closely I realized they were/are hoping to use this as leverage for Quixtar to listen to them. The non-competition clause keeps any IBO from leaving his status as an IBO and going to another MLM for a period of 6 months. They never had any intention of creating another MLM & there wasn't ever one to begin with, other than Quixtar!

What are the settling for? They aren't asking for damages or money, just for Quixtar to fix some of the problem/ revise them.

Also may I remind you 8 of the 15 IBOs that were terminated were also on the IBO Board and resigned because Quixtar refused to listen to them and joined the lawsuit.

I mainly want to point out the second paragraph to you:

" We are disappointed that the founders of the Team training organization, Orrin Woodward and Chris Brady, and other IBOs affiliated with Team, have refused to move forward with the Quixtar business into this new and promising future. Given Team's unwillingness to work with the corporation to remedy their bad business-building practices, their stated intent to start a competing MLM and, ultimately, their decision to file baseless litigation against the business opportunity from which they have profited for years, the NAFC and IBOAI fully support Quixtar's decision to terminate these IBOs' businesses. The terminations of Woodward, Brady, Billy Florence, Don Wilson, Randy Haugen, Chuck Goetschel, Tim Marks, Kirk Birtles, James Martin, Aron Radosa, David Brandy, Benjamin Dickie, Bruce Gilbank, Michael Martenson, and Chuck Cullen will help correct practices that put Quixtar and all IBOs at serious and immediate risk of legal and regulatory action."

REFUSED TO MOVE ON!!!?? Quixtar has humor...good for them...about the only thing so far. Quixtar is the one that won't move-on with the economy...ever wondered why other countries aren't having a problem?
Unfortunatley Quixtar could lose nearly 500,00 people for terminating these IBOs business sinse we are in their businesses

One last thing Quixtar says that they have been unwilling to remedy it with the plantiffs. I asume it WOULD be hard it they never listened actually the litigation states that they (Quixtar) never sat and listened or took anything into considerartion. They felt the only way for them to listen would to file suit. It has gone to state court, If it had violated any of quixtar's rules it would have never madded it there. Only time will tell the outcome....

We will survive this as a TEAM and I am behind them all the way!

Here is the rest of the article if you wish to read it:

Joint Statement Regarding Team

Friday, August 10, 2007

Quixtar Inc., North American Founders Council, and Independent Business Owners Association International Board of Directors Joint Statement Regarding Team

The North American Founders Council (NAFC) and Independent Business Owners Associational International (IBOAI) are proud to represent the Quixtar business opportunity, especially during this exciting period of transformation in our business. Unprecedented investments by Quixtar are poised to help make our businesses stronger than ever – more than $60 million in new money in Quixtar Business Incentives, launch of training to help make IBOs more successful, and exciting new product and category launches. Overall, the company is spending more than $200 million in product development, brand building, training and compensation enhancements to make this business opportunity bigger and more successful than ever.

We are disappointed that the founders of the Team training organization, Orrin Woodward and Chris Brady, and other IBOs affiliated with Team, have refused to move forward with the Quixtar business into this new and promising future. Given Team's unwillingness to work with the corporation to remedy their bad business-building practices, their stated intent to start a competing MLM and, ultimately, their decision to file baseless litigation against the business opportunity from which they have profited for years, the NAFC and IBOAI fully support Quixtar's decision to terminate these IBOs' businesses. The terminations of Woodward, Brady, Billy Florence, Don Wilson, Randy Haugen, Chuck Goetschel, Tim Marks, Kirk Birtles, James Martin, Aron Radosa, David Brandy, Benjamin Dickie, Bruce Gilbank, Michael Martenson, and Chuck Cullen will help correct practices that put Quixtar and all IBOs at serious and immediate risk of legal and regulatory action.

The NAFC and IBOAI stand firmly with Quixtar in an unwillingness to put our business and the businesses of hundreds of thousands of IBOs at risk of legal and regulatory action caused by Woodward and Brady’s practices.

We believe the Quixtar business is the best business opportunity in the world. We are prepared to work with the corporation and other IBOs who remain committed to their businesses as we move through this period of transformation to become stronger and more profitable, helping more individuals than ever before achieve success with a Quixtar-powered business of their own.


For other IBOs I ask that you PLEASE PLEASE look at both sides before making your judgment call. I have listed a site in which, if you wish to follow this you can read from the TEAM's POV:

Also they mention a post they had to remove due to restraint order, I picked it up an it is below; although, I don't like what the site stands for. I also made a comment on the article which should show up in the next few hours as it must be approved. Search my name to find my comment if you wish.:

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Saturday, August 11, 2007

Online Photo Printers

I have been looking for an online photo printer for a couple of months - not for professional use that is, but for pictures of friends & family. After much research I think I have finally found the best site:


Why? because their prints cost the same as Kodak with one exception - DISCOUNTS!

They have annual plans, pre-paid packages and what no that drop the print's costs drastically. For instance: a poster print (20" x 30") is $22.99 but using the annual plan it is $16.09, that's nearly $7 off the cost of the print. So how do you get the discounts? Well you pay an annual fee of $30...why pay for discount? Well I figure I'll be printing at least 5 poster prints in the next year, which allows me to "save" money.

Even if you were to go with medium sizes such as 11" x 14" (orig. $7.99) it would be $5.59 so on you 13th print you would start your saving right? Also the annual plan gives you a FREE photo album book ($30 value) so it's nearly free discounts! Right? Yes...maybe...the reason they do this is they believe most people will not buy that many prints in a year. So if you going to be doing larger prints, GO FOR IT! Smaller prints? you're better off doing the prepaid amount like (the best one I think) 400 4x6 photos for $56 ($0.14/photo) or you can go the 800 4x6 photo pre-paid plan which also includes a FREE photo album for $96 ($0.12/photo).

So see for yourself:

Plans Here
The best way to compare, and most importantly, you want to see the photo quality, so I suggest you order 5-10 prints from different places and see what is best - besides Shutterfly, you can also try Kodak

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Programs Programs Programs...

So recently I have been doing a lot of research on different programs, here are the categories:
  • Personal Finance Management
  • Photo Tools
  • Panorama Stitching (QTVR)
  • Photo Organization

So I have been downloading quite a few freeware programs and a couple of trials of each. Here is what I have found so far:

For Personal Financing:

  • Personal Finances Lite v1.62 - freeware - this is limited compared to their other full version program which is $30, you can download a 30-day trial from the site here. As for the freeware, you can download it here.
  • Some other setups I have installed yet.
For Photo Tools:

  • Photo Toolkit - freeware - it is a plug-in for windows image viewer - what I like about this is it's great for the casual image editor, like removing red-eye, or (my favorite) Batch processing. Download it here.
  • My Pictures 3D - freeware - From their site "3D world featuring your photographic masterpieces!" pretty cool program. Allows you to create virtual worlds (includes themes exe. castles, museum, towers) and allows you to "hang" your pictures on the walls of the virtual world. You can have as your screensaver as well. Both the album maker and the screensaver + themes can be downloaded here.
In my next blog I'll talk about:
Programs for:
  • Panorama Stitching (QTVR)

  • Photo Organization
As well as:

iPod program tools (trying to make a set for free)
Photo Print - the best places to print photos

And even in a later blog:

What to do with your photos

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Friday, July 27, 2007

It seems that you can catch obesity!--What?!?

Victoria Advocate - Nation/World news

It seems that you can catch obesity

Study finds that obesity spreads in social circles

July 26, 2007 - Posted at 12:00 a.m.

your friends and family get fat, chances are you will too, researchers
report in a startling new study that suggests obesity is "socially
contagious" and can spread easily from person to person.

The large,
federally funded study found that to be true even if your loved ones
lived far away. Social ties seemed to play a surprisingly strong role,
even more than genes are known to do.

"We were stunned to find that friends who are hundreds of miles
away have just as much impact on a person's weight status as friends
who are right next door," said co-author James Fowler of the University
of California, San Diego.

The study found a person's chances of becoming obese went up 57
percent if a friend did, 40 percent if a sibling did and 37 percent if
a spouse did. In the closest friendships, the risk almost tripled.

Researchers think it's more than just people with similar eating and
exercise habits hanging out together. Instead, it may be that having
relatives and friends who become obese changes one's idea of what is an
acceptable weight.

Despite their findings, the researchers said people should not sever their relationships.

"There is a ton of research that suggest that having more friends
makes you healthier," Fowler said. "So the last thing that you want to
do is get rid of any of your friends."

The study is published in today's New England Journal of Medicine and funded by the National Institute on Aging.

Researchers analyzed medical records of people in the
Framingham Heart Study, which has been following the health of
residents of that Boston suburb for more than a half century. They
tracked records for relatives and friends using contact information
that participants provided each time they were examined over a 32-year

In all, 12,067 people - all Framingham participants - were involved in the study.

After taking into account natural weight gain and other factors,
researchers found the greatest influence occurred among friends and not
in people sharing the same genes or living in the same household.
Geography and smoking cessation had no effect on obesity risk.

On average, the researchers calculated, when an obese person gained
17 pounds, the corresponding friend put on an extra 5 pounds.

Gender also had a strong influence. In same-sex friendships, a
person's obesity risk increased by 71 percent if a friend gained
weight. Between brothers, the risk was up by 44 percent and 67 percent
between sisters.

Indiana University statistician Stan Wasserman said while the study
was clever, it had its limitations because it excluded relationships
outside of the Framingham group.

Obesity is a global public health problem. About 1.5 billion adults
worldwide are overweight, including more than 400 million who are
obese. Two-thirds of Americans are either overweight or obese.

Much of the recent research focus has been on the intense hunt for
obesity genes involved in appetite or calorie burning. Treatment has
been mainly centered on helping individuals curb their weight through
better diet and fitness.

The findings could open a new avenue for treating this worldwide
epidemic. The researchers said it might be helpful to treat obese
people in groups instead of just the individual.

"Because people are interconnected, their health is interconnected,"
said lead author Nicholas Christakis, a Harvard sociologist.

Obesity experts not involved in the research said the results back
up what they have suspected all along - that people look toward one
another for what is an acceptable weight.

"If you're just a little bit heavy and everyone around you is quite
heavier, you will feel good when you look in a mirror," said Dr. David
Katz, director of Yale University's Prevention Research Center.


On the Net:

New England Journal:

Framingham Heart Study:

Harvard University:

University of California, San Diego:


My Opinion:

I have mixed feelings about
this article.

  1. I agree with the overall idea
    of social obesity.
  2. I don't like the idea of
    people reading this article and shunning away from people that are obese.
    I guess or I hope that when people read this article they don't find obese
    people as a contagious disease. Rather I hope that they make a conscious
    note to watch their diet.

According to the BMI calculations, I am obese at 255lbs. (I am also
6ft, green eyes, brown hair, and likes long walks on the beach...) I am also
trying to lose weight; just 2 months ago I weighed about 275lbs. So it really
depends on the people that you are with, that are obese...I guess it all comes
back to the idea of not judging a book by its cover. You never know maybe that
obese person is trying to lose weight and they may help you and encourage you
if your trying to lose weight.

Conclusion: Socialize with whom ever you want, your body is under
YOUR control, take care of it! You have to make the decisions in the end. So if
you become obese and decide it's due to a friend that just gained weight, think
again, it's your fault you committed the final act. Just keep in mind you
either 1. Don’t want to gain weight or 2. You want to lose weight and you'll be

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Monday, July 16, 2007

Missed My Therapy Session

If have been to YYLC (Yager Youth Leadership Conferance) you know what I mean when I say YYLC is therapy ;D Anway my very creative "sisters" took this picture at YYLC:

"Hi Matt"

So to say the least it made my day. I really miss them and everyone I know from YYLC...

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Cool Firefox Addons

After trying over 50 add ons (at once) I finally found some cool
add ons (12) that I enjoy. First in you don't already have it, you are
going to want to update/download the latest version of Firefox
(at least otherwise some of the add ons may not work.

To update goto the Help menu on the top toolbar and click on "Check for
Updates" (according to the Mac). Some of the nest things about the new
version of Firefox is that it was an in-line spell checker (with
several dictionaries/languages available). I recommend installing the
google toolbar with firefox or going to google and downloading it, it
is really quite useful for quick searches. Also the thing firefox had
always done (as far as I know) is the use of tabs. It eats less of you
RAM rather than having several windows open and you can easily flip
through the tabs (Control + Tab)., which now the new Internet Explorer
has, but I have never been a fan of Internet Explorer.  Firefox also
has such an open range of add-pns, you are likely to find anything for
your needs (with the exception to real estate, I haven't found anything
for that).

These are not listed in any particular order

10 FoxMarks Bookmark Synchronizer: Keep Your Bookmarks No Matter Where You Are.

A bookmark syncing add on that allows you to sync your bookmarks with
their server (by creating a free account) and retrieve them from any
computer with an internet connection. I have a PC & a Mac, so when
I am switching between the two i.e. I am on the Mac a want the bookmark
from my PC, it's already there. Really cool software, give it a go! 5/5.

9. FoxyTunes: Portal Between Your Browser and Your Media Player

This I use quite a bit. If you listen to music and surf the net, this
is for you. FoxyTunes controls your media player. Once you get your
player going (on internet radio or whatever) you can hide the player
(especially nice for windows users, one less program in the status
bar). It has a full range of controls and also displays test for the
song. The controls are in the status bar at the bottom of Firefox
(where the text "Done" is displayed when a page is loading) I have had
no problems with it yet. 5/5.

8. ForcastFox Tells You The Weather

Weather at the tips of pointer. This is my favorite
weather program, its quite accurate and very unobtrusive. This add on
has a fairly abundant amount of options. Once again this add-on is
displayed in the Firefox status bar (bottom right corner) and if you
over the earth globe, you get a radar (which can be animated) also you
can change the icons that are displayed. Like mine (as you can see it's
a bit gloomy here) which can also be changed in the Options menu. 5/5

7. Fast Video Download: Download Embedded Videos

are several video downloaders out there and I believe this one to be
the best and what this can't download, Download Embedded can. On some
video downlaods they will download as a *.flv and you will need VLC Media Player to view it (it's free).

Although like I said it doesn't always work but it's a nice tool to have. 3.5/5.

6. Download Embedded: Download Embedded Objects

you are able to download everything that is embedded into a website -
pictures, flash movies, videos, music, etc. This is a fun one to use. I
have had very little trouble with it downloading any type of media. It
will auto detect when there are embedded objects and the little
"downward-pointing" arrow will appear (to the left of Forcast Fox for
me). Although the website says :

"although this does NOT work on video embedded in flash [ youtube,, etc.. ]."

I have found it does work, but you will have to use the VLC Media Player. 4.5/5.

5. ThumbStrips: Visual Web History

allows you to view your history in visual thumbnails, allowing you to
visually glance "back" and navigate back to a certain web page. It also
shows the times in which you were there (i.e. "3 mins. ago"). It also
allows you to filer oout certain website to help you find the right
webpage you were at. I sometimes would bookmark the page, but then
either forget to look at it or couldn't remember what the site was
called. But this solves the problem for me, I'll remember what it looks
like. 5/5

4. Split Browser or Tab Catalog: Navigate In A "Split"

These two progams do basically the same thing, but it's up to you to see which one you like better:

Split Browser:

splits your tabs into sections allowing you to view & navigate
multipe tabs at a time. Quite nice if you have a large monitor, but I
don't think it would be very useful with more than 6 tabs or a smaller
monitor, as the content would be to small for viewing. I knocked of a
point in my rating because sometimes it got confusing on how to go back
to tabs or it I create a new tab, it doesn't split it as well but then
you have two tabs in one of the split boxes. So it can get quite
confusing. Also if you hover in the middle of the top, bottom, or sides
of the split tabs, it will allow you to make the "splitees" around
within the window. You then can select to "gather" the tabs which will
put all the tabs back into their normal view.

Tab Catalog:

is my favorite between the two. The main difference though is Tab
Catalog shows all your current tabs in catalog/thumbnail view and you
click on the one you want to use and Split allows you to navigate all
at once. Quite nice if you have a lot of tabs up and you end up
scrolling through all of them to find which on you want. Also the
"catalog" can be pulled up (or turned off) by pressing the F8 key,
which is a major plus. It also allows you to select multiple tabs and
close them at once, but you can't rearrage them, which would be nice.

3. ScribeFire: Blog From Anywhere


basically. it's actually what I am using for this blog. It allows you
to write you blog without even being logged iin. I was able to to do my
blogs very quick. I didn't have to login....browse to editor...etc.
Just type & post! Has nice features allowing linkage and
photo; embedding, as well as trackback URLs, tags, categories.
If you blog, you MUST try it! The box pops up when you click the icon
on the bottom status bar. Very very nice. 5/5

2. FireUploader: Upload faster than the speed of light...not really

your photos & movies from anywhere. this nifty little add on sits
in your status bar until you click on it to open it. It allows you to
upload videos to youtube, pictures to facebook, Flickr, (1 GB free storage), Picassa (Google's albums),  Webshots (Another video blog thingy), and OmniDrive (also free 1 GB storage). Nice for photo blogging, backing up photos on trips, etc.

1. Save Session: Save Yourself

know how sometimes youur computer just randomly turns off and when you
re-open Firefox you have the option of Restoring the Session or Create
A New Session. Well this works the same way, except it you have all
your tabs open and you have to restart firefox or your computer due to
an update of and installation, well you just go to the Edit Menu and
scroll down to "Save Session & Exit" and it will do just that. You
can also go to the Tools menu and just "Save Session" without exiting.
Pretty nifty! I give it a 4/5 because it would be nice to have a save
& restart function.


Toolbar Buttons Push YOUR OWN Buttons

necessarily Cool, but helpful, it adds buttons, so that you can
customize your tool bar to do all sorts of shortcuts, like show
downloads, open new tab, enlarge or decrease text size, restart
browser, full screen and lots more. 3.5/5 - would be nice to have
different Icons but still keep the same commands.


NASA Night Launch:

all out awesome theme. You have to try it and see it. I had a few
problems though, some of the addons I had, I couldn't view some of
their text. 4/5


Stumble Upon Toolbar:

really nifty toolbar. Once you have the toolbar you create a free
account and set your preferences, then start "Stumbling" When you click
the Stumble! button on the toolbar it will send you to a random website
that it believes you will like you can either rate it a thumbs-up or
thumbs-down and it will learn what you like and what you don't like.
This is another must for firefox! You can also specify if you only want
to stumble across videos, pictures or news. You can also go into your
account and see what your favorites are at any point in time
(thumb-ups). Try It!

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