Saturday, September 22, 2007

"The Kingdom" Movie

Yesterday evening I saw an advanced screening of "The Kingdom" which shows in theaters on the 28th of this month (September). It's a good movie. I have trouble enjoying movies because I am constantly analyzing the movie (I guess that's what I get for being a Digital Film & Media major). I would place this into the thriller/drama/action genre, in that order. It was pretty gripping to watch everything that occurred in the movie.

A basic synopsis: 4 FBI agents ( Jamie Foxx, Jennifer Garner, Chris Cooper, Jason Bateman) are sent to Saudi Arabia to investigate a terrorist bombing, upon arriving, they become the next targets for the lead terrorist organization they are after.

We also had a Baylor university professor (Dr. James Kendrick) speak with us on "violence in media" after the movie. He asked the question whether the movie was an anti-war movie or an action movie...I thought...neither. It definitely had action, but the action did not correlate with the conveyed emotion that the film conveyed.

My emotion was: "I don't think I ever want to go to Saudi Arabia." Why? well I guess you'll just have to see the movie to know why.

Great cinematography in the motion picture, this is a movie I definitely will be going to see again.

Overall I think it was a great movie (4/5). My ranking is based it on the emotion it expresses, & how strongly it does it; the acting, and the overall plot.

Thursday, September 20, 2007


I just came across this really cool site recently. It's called Anywhere FM - http://Anywhere.FM
It's you music anywhere you go, which an internet connection that is, and these days, the internet is everywhere.
(To get the gist of this blog, skip down to Resolution)

First my spiel: I was trying to figure out how todo something like this to begin with. My idea was posting my song (up to 1GB) on BearSpace (which is my University's student web server) and then creating a streaming playlist in iTunes and carry the playlist around with me and just load it on any computer running iTunes. The problem came when the computer didn't have iTunes.

Resolution: Anywhere FM
You can upload your WHOLE library to their server. And wherever you are, you just go to the site and enter you login info and there's all your music, It's very easy. When you register it only asks a few questions and then you are ready to go. You can also download an uploader app that uploads your playlists and your songs from iTunes. (or yoou can manually do it from internet window itself.
Works on Mac OS and I presume Windows as well (it auto detects your operating system). It does not upload your iTunes purchases though, bummer (because iTunes has a special alogorithm to decode the purchased songs) you can always get around that, though....

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Cirque Du Soleil: Mindfreak

Having seen Cirque Du Soleil: "Mystere" & "O," U have been a big fan of them for numerous years. I have also seen Criss Angel's stage show (that he did in NY, NY several years ago) on DVD and I felt that it had numerous same qualities as Cirque Du Soleil in an "artsy" sense. So Criss Angel has signed a contract with Cirque Du Soleil at the Luxor, which I think is a dramatic change for Cirque Du Soleil, although, I think it is really cool with a very interesting twist. Finally an awesome magic show with an evolving art form...sweet. Can't wait to see it.!

Check out the press release here.

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Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Magic Fans

Just a quick note. I have performed magic for more than 5 years professionally. I've owned a business. And I know fairly well how to deal with people. Some of my favorite magaicians include Banachek, Derren Brown, and several others.

Many people ask me if I like David Blaine...I can't say I do, but I can't say I don't. Why? Well Mr. Blaine began the reality show very well, but then his stunts took over and that's about all he did, he lost attention because of it

Then, a new face entered the reality show arena: Criss Angel & his show: Mindfreak.
I have been impressed with his work, not just his tricks, but his performance - his showmanship.

In any business you have to be loyal to your customers or in this case - fans. Sometimes when you see him perform he comes across as an odd or in other words "un-real." HIs quite different in person. And recently is starting to show that in his show (which is a smart thing to do).

Like any famous person or band, he has loyal fans. Might I add -LOYAL- some of his fans have tatooed his face on their shoulder...WOW. Sorry I am not that loyal. But I do like his work and he is one that truly appreciates his fans; therefore, I think Criss Angel will be staying on top for quite some time.

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Saturday, September 1, 2007

FireFox Add-ons Re-Review & Update

This is an update on the plug-ins I reviewed earlier. I noticed Firefox slowing down quite a bit, so I got rid of some & kept some. So here's the breakdown:

Fox Marks
It is incredibly nice to have especially since I switch betwenn Mac & PC, I also have the portable version of firefox on my thumbdrive with this plug-in, so when I get on the school's PCs I can "sync" my bookmarks.

I use this every now and then to listen to internet radio, quite convenient without the extra window.


I use this everyday! I have mine show current, tonight's and tomorrow's forecast & the animated radar. This is anothe favorite mine.

Fast Video Download
Doesn't work all the time. Eventually just gave up.

Download Embedded
I kept this on, but I disabled it for the time being. I am not using, but I can see where it could come in handy.

To time consuming and can become confusing, I like the drop down back button or the history in Firefox that's already there...

Split Browser
Widows get too small and it is sometimes are to go back to tabbed view...more of a hassle really. Just disabled it though because I may use it in the future

Tab Catalog
I already have tabs and it's easier to flip through them.

Obviously. It is what I use to write these blogs. Get it if you write blogs anyway. Also you can be typing along and if you pkan to finish it later, you can continue to browse and bring it back up later. I wouldn't close the browser though... hadn't tried it yet.

Don't need it right now, but I will soon. Best one out there in my opinion.

Save Session
I use this a lot especially when I am working on my computer while surfing the net, then all of a sudden I have to restart, so I just click the Save & Exit button and it will pen back everything up the next time I open firefox. Also you have the option to save session by going to the Tools menu & saving session the manually exiting later.

Toolbar Buttons
I have not "real" use for it.

Theme: Night Launch
I had trouble with my Add-ons when I used it.

Toolbar: Stumble Upon

For wilfing....

I also added two others:

The Woot add-on. For Woots... it's a website that has a special everyday called a woot and the add on tells you what the woot is and how much it is. If you click on it, it will open a new tab and take you to the woot.


Download Statusbar
keeps are your downloads in the bottom bar (it isn't there all the time) It's better than having them in a "new window" Ctrl + J make it appear/disappear.

If I were to rank them by use I would say the Top 5 are:

Forecast Fox
2. SaveSession
3. Woot
4. ScribeFire
5. FoxMarks

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